The idea to reclaim public space emerged as a response to the challenges being faced by the community of Santos-o-Velho due to the current pandemic: social isolation and struggling local businesses. The community action to appropriate the church square into community space has empowered and revitalised the neighbourhood. We aim to expand this idea of collectivism and social responsibility to create a network of communities which will actively support one another.
The video places the idea in the context of its origin: during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic in Lisbon, Portugal. It makes a clear distinction between the events and activities that have taken place in the church square, the ideas being developed for this space and the goal to inspire other communities in the city to replicate this idea.
Authors: Santos Collective & Inês Sanz Pinto, Joana Ribeiro, Maria Ribeiro
Cast: Inês Sanz Pinto, Joana Bernardes, Joana Ribeiro, Maria Dominguez, Alexandra Du Toit, Maria Ribeiro, Tiago Rodrigues Jorge.
Animation and montage: Andi Concha
Narrative and direction: Inês Sanz Pinto, Joana Ribeiro, Maria Ribeiro
Voice-off: Maria Ribeiro
Footage of events: Alexandra Du Toit, Cristian Figueroa, Google Earth, Guilherme Mello, Inês Sanz Pinto, Joana Alvarez, Joana Berardes, Joana Ribeiro, Luís Ribeiro, Maria Dominguez, Maria Ribeiro, Nicolas Deboysere,Tiago Rodrigues Jorge, Rita Sanz Pinto
Photography: David Pereira, Joana Alvarez, Joana Bernardes, Robin Torres
All videos and images for illustrative purposes only.
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Santos Collective is a non-profit collective entity, focused on the social responsibility of the community and local commerce.