The Two Houses research project focuses on the interaction between the Bauhaus and Japan, based on two houses in the suburbs of Tokyo — Migishi Atelier and Bunzo Yamaguchi House. The film Two Houses (2019) documents the buildings’ architecture and tells the story of their inhabitants, providing glimpses of life in and with the buildings. A starting point for a debate about domestic architecture, common heritage and speculations about the future home?
Authors: Verena von Beckerath, Niklas Fanelsa, Momoko Yasaka, Maximilian von Zepelin in collaboration with Jens Franke
All videos and images for illustrative purposes only.
Location: Weimar, Germany
The multi-disciplinary collective behind the film Two Houses (2019) is related to the Chair of Design and Housing at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Verena von Beckerath is an architect based in Berlin and professor at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Niklas Fanelsa is an architect and founder of Atelier Fanelsa in Berlin and Gerswalde. Momoko Yasaka is an architect and is currently working for Weyell Zipse in Basel. Maximilian von Zepelin is an architect and is currently working for Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin in Zurich. Jens Franke is an artist based in Berlin who focuses on topics concerning architecture and urban planning.